Five Reasons Obi-Wan Deserves His Own Movie

Hello there.

Rumors are flying all over about the “spin off” films. The latest is a Boba Fett/Han Solo movie, which would be totally awesome. A while back there was a rumor going around of an Obi-Wan movie or even a trilogy. A few days back, Ewan McGregor said he hasn’t been contacted about reprising the role he played in Episodes I-III. Of course, it would be a stretch to get him in to Episode VII, but I’d love to see an Obi-Wan spin off film.  Here are five reasons why:

Ewan McGregor was Great in Episode III

Its pretty easy to bag on (M)Anakin’s acting in Sith, but Ewan McGregor was awesome as Obi-Wan. I wasn’t sold on him in Episodes I or II, although maybe it was the mullet and the fake beard (in some of the shots) that ruined it for me, but he really nailed it in III. He played the character with the heart and wisdom that Alec Guiness brought originally, plus there was a little bit of bad-ass confidence and wit that, I would imagine, comes from being a Jedi Master.

John Jackson Miller’s Kenobi


I have said this before, but Kenobi is the best Star Wars book not written by a guy named Zahn. It is such a well-written and interesting tale. It is basically a western set in the Star Wars galaxy, where Obi-Wan is the mysterious stranger, the Tuskens  are the angry natives and Anileen Calwell and the other settlers are the frontiersmen and women of the classic western. It is a great story that I looked forward to reading every single time I picked the book up. Granted, a spin off most likely won’t use this book as inspiration, WHICH IT SO SHOULD, but this book proves that a great Star Wars story is there waiting to be told.

It Would Expand Star Wars’ Repertoire

If the Obi-Wan spinoff is set between Episode III and IV, then unless they get way crazy, it should bring a new genre of film to Star Wars. We have Obi-Wan, who is on Tatooine watching over Luke Skywalker. So, we won’t be jumping across the galaxy. The entire story could, and should, take place on Tatooine. Also, it should be a pretty introspective film. Obi-Wan has failed Anakin, he is a fugitive from the Empire, and he is a “crazy, old hermit”. His whole purpose on Tatooine is to protect Luke and commune with Qui-Gon.

Give us Ben, the mysterious hero on the fringes of civilization, who doesn’t want to get involved in these local conflicts, but has such a strong sense of right and wrong that he can’t not get involved. So basically Miller’s Kenobi!

It Would Begin to Answer the Questions “What has Ben been doing for 19 years?” and “What’s Owen’s deal?”

At the end of Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan drops Luke off at the Lars’ moisture farm and rides off into the sunsset. (Get it? Cause there’s more than one sun on Tatooine.) The next time, we see him, it’s 19 years later and he goes by Ben. Owen calls him a “wizard” and a “crazy old man”. I am going to venture that a lot has happened in the 19 years since Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived on Tatooine as an exiled Jedi. You can’t tell me he totally gives up the life of a hero. It’s not in his nature. What does he do during that time?


We can infer some things from what we know already. We know that Luke knows who Ben is, so they have interacted, probably a few times. Owen has probably told Luke to stay away from him. Why? What does Ben do that upsets Owen? We also know Ben lives out near the Dune Sea and that he has had run-ins with Tusken Raiders before. Sounds like a recipe for a good movie.

Little Luke


When I say “Little Luke”, it doesn’t need to be really little, just younger.  No matter what, he just needs to not be his dad at that age. Anakin was kind of annoying.  Luke could be pretty young and just kind of in the background. It would still be cool to see him. Maybe something dark and sinister can sense him in the Force and Obi-Wan has to save him. Maybe Luke is a little older and he and Owen have had a fight. Luke busts out with “You’re not my dad.” and runs off. Emo Luke gets snagged by Tuskens or swoop bikers and Obi-Wan has to save him without letting him know he’s a Jedi.

So whaddaya think? Should Obi-Wan have his own movie? Who else should get one? Comment, you will.

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